How to use the tapscroll android application 2023

How to use the tapscroll android application 2023

  • Install the TapScroll application: Discover the application on the Google Play Store. Seek it out by name and deploy it.
  • Configure the App: As soon as you initiate TapScroll, the app will request Superuser access. Grant this access and you’ll be transported to the main menu. From there, swipe to the right to access the app’s Settings menu. Within this menu, you’ll uncover options for initiating the service on boot, enabling persistent notifications to safeguard the app from being cleared from memory, and a toggle for vibration feedback. The most advantageous option at your disposal is “Trigger sensitivity,” which empowers you to fine-tune the trigger areas for the automatic scrolling feature. Upon tapping this option, the trigger area for the auto-scroll feature will be vividly illuminated in red at the apex of your screen. The left trigger area propels you to the top of any page, while the right one transports you to the bottom. Manipulate the slider in this menu to customize the trigger areas according to your preferences, then press “Save.”
  • Navigate Pages by Tapping Your Status Bar: Equipped with TapScroll, you are now primed to wield its remarkable functionality. It should seamlessly synchronize with nearly any app, although it thrives best on lengthy, vertically-scrolling pages. When you find yourself at the nadir of a page, simply tap the left side of your status bar to instantaneously ascend to the pinnacle. Alternatively, tap the right trigger area and you’ll be instantaneously transported to the base of any page.

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